7/24/2023 - Release Info, NSFW Images, and Game Updates

Hello Everyone,

The date is growing very near to the full release of "Illusion of Being - Chapter 1". We figured it would be a good time to share with you all the release information, what has changed, and a few more bits of information.

The game and story have changed a decent amount. There is far greater story content, the art and animations have been flushed out further, and the audio is even more detailed.

There are now 17 highly detailed animations in the game. Presented to you in a cinematic style instead of the still camera hip thrusts you maybe accustomed to. The story of the demo has been polished up a decent amount, there is probably another 15 to 20 minutes of story that has been added to the portion of the game that you experienced from the demo. Two more mini-games have been added, 16 in game achievements with images, as well as a host of image unlocks you can earn in the gallery. To say the least, we made sure Chapter 1 is very well content enriched.

The planned release will be on two different platforms. A Steam standard version and a Patreon Premium version. The only differences between the two is cost of entry and the fact that Patreon backers receive the premium gallery in game unlocks as well as tier rewards for supporting the project.

To gain access to the Patreon premium version, one must pledge with the $5 tier or higher. The game access will be the same for any of the higher tiers but you will be rewarded with even greater gifts and privileges. Patreon versions will start becoming available on August 4th 2023, the higher the tier the earlier the release. The latest released version for Patreon will be August 11th.

The Steam release will be on August 11th as long as the Steam review process does not delay the process any further. The Steam version will be $14.99.

We are excited to show you what we have built. To say it is a very immersive and impactful experience would be a understatement. This will be a much different experience than most visual novels you have played, we can at least say that much!



I will be adding some NSFW gifts for you guys to this post, I hope you enjoy them!

Kind Regards,

The T.E.G. Team

Get Illusion of Being - Chapter 1 Demo (Adult Visual Novel)

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