Developer Update #004 (3/04/23) Technical Updates and Overall Progress

Hello Everyone,

We wanted to provide an update to what has been happening. We have added a second workstation for rendering to speed up the process a bit. Took a while to get it up and operational but it's now chugging along. We have updated settings to our rendering and lighting setups. Anything after the demo will have a slightly cleaner, less noisy look it. Also expect a little better lighting balance, better contrast between lights and darks, and more. Animation has also seen improvements to it's automated processes making for more believable animations. We are still making good progress but due to these quality improvements the release of April 2023 cannot be made now, we've decided to make June the official month for release of chapter one.

Thank you all for your support and take care!

- The TEG Team

Get Illusion of Being - Chapter 1 Demo (Adult Visual Novel)

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